Change your life

Judy Smith advises Presidents, celebrities, Fortune 500 companies, and was even the real-life inspiration for Scandal’s Olivia Pope. Kerry and Judy Vanity Fair Standing.

Judy Smith advises Presidents, celebrities, Fortune 500 companies, and was even the real-life inspiration for Scandal’s Olivia Pope.

In other words, when it comes to solving problems large and small, she’s the best. She can help you face—and overcome—the toughest challenges in your professional and personal life, so you can unleash your full potential. Join now so Judy can help you Handle It®.



The Power of You

I was recently advising a client who felt overwhelmed by her circumstances, and unable to focus on coming up with a plan to tackle the obstacles ahead of her. Instead of examining the chaos around her, she was allowing herself to get swallowed up by it, leading to self-doubt.   It’s natural to have doubts […]

Women: Ask for What You’re Worth

  I often talk to women’s groups, and the questions I get asked most often are “How do I get a raise?” and “How do I get a promotion?” I’ve been thinking about those two questions through a larger lens, and I think what we’re really talking about is, how, as women, do we get […]

Be Who You Say You Are

  In my many years of crisis management, I have found that people and companies tend to create the biggest problems for themselves when they act against their values. This can be anything from caving to peer pressure to taking a risk for short-term profit over long-term stability. In my life, I’ve had to speak […]

so you won’t fall

Site Design Rebecca Pollock
Site Development Alchemy + Aim